8 Everyday Practices for Healthy Teeth & Gums

You've Only got one set!

A solid oral hygiene routine is crucial to ensuring the health of one's teeth and gums. It comprises habits such as brushing twice a day and undergoing frequent dental checkups. Without adequate care, tooth decay or gum issues can cause pain and tooth loss. These problems may, in turn, cause speech problems, malnutrition, and other challenges in an individual's work, education, or personal life.

These issues can be prevented or combated with strict dental care at home as well as in the dentist's office. Below are eight best practices that can keep teeth and gums healthy.

1. Brush regularly but not aggressively

One should brush their teeth in tiny circular motions. The top, front, and back of every tooth should be brushed with care. This process should take anywhere between 2 to 3 minutes. Individuals should refrain from sawing back-and-forth motions.

2. Use fluoride

Evidence suggests that a reduced amount of fluoride can cause tooth decay, despite a person taking care of their teeth in other aspects. A recent report unveiled that brushing and flossing do not protect one from getting cavities if fluoride isn't part of their routine.

3. Floss once every day

Plaque and bacteria from between the teeth can be eliminated by flossing where a toothbrush is incapable of reaching. It can also save one from bad breath by getting rid of debris and food stuck between the teeth.

4. Visit a dentist regularly

Experts advise that one undergoes a dental checkup every six months. A hygienist will do a cleanup of the teeth by taking out plaque and hardened tartar as part of a routine dental examination.

5. Avoid smoking

Smoking is detrimental to the body's immune system. The body faces difficulties in healing tissues, including those parts of the mouth. Smokers are also likely to experience slow healing post a dental procedure.

6. Check out mouthwashes

Some studies show that particular mouthwashes can be advantageous to oral health. For instance, according to one review, plaque and gingivitis can be controlled with the help of a mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, an antibacterial ingredient.

7. Limit intake of sugary foods and starches

Consuming sugar can result in cavities. Studies continue to demonstrate the important impact sugar has on bad dental health outcomes. Candy and desserts are popular culprits.

8. Drink water rather than sugary drinks

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the foremost source of added sugars in the usual diet of those in the United States. One faces a higher risk of cavities by sipping on soda, juice, or other sugary drinks.

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